
The L.A. Law Firm
Personal Injury Attorneys

Win your Case in 5 easy steps

If you have sustained an injury during an accident due to the negligence of someone else, you have the right to file a personal injury case against them. Since you are suffering pain and discomfort through no fault of your own, you are entitled to ask for compensation, especially if the injury was severe enough to keep you away from work. However, being injured doesn’t guarantee success. You need to have a strong case, backed by evidence and proofs that you can present to the court.So, you should know what to do if you want to win a personal injury case. Here are five things to remember:1. Get Medical Treatment Right Away
Getting the right medical treatment immediately after an accident is important as your medical reports will be used as evidence to back your claim. If you don’t have medical reports to prove your injuries, the court will infer that you were not hurt at all. If you delay the treatment, you will be held responsible for causing your injuries to worsen. So, you need to get regular treatment for all your injuries after the accident until the doctor gives you a clean bill of health.

2. Keep a Consistent Medical Record
Keep a clear and consistent record of all your symptoms after the accident, no matter how many doctors you are visiting for treatment. You should not just communicate the symptoms you are feeling right at that moment but also the other symptoms you have faced after you have been in the accident. If you are changing doctors, the symptoms you are indicating should be consistent from one doctor to the other and should be included in the paperwork related to your treatment.

3. Describe Your Symptoms in Detail
All the symptoms you are experiencing after the accident, no matter how minor they are, should be communicated to your doctor in detail. Ask the doctor to identify the type of pain you are experiencing and indicate the injuries you might have suffered. This pain should also be defined in your medical reports instead of just being recognized as nothing. The more detailed your reports are, the better your chances are of winning the personal injury case.

4. Don’t Hide Your Medical History
If there are injuries or medical conditions that you had before the accident, inform the doctor about them. It would not only worsen your situation medically but would also affect your lawsuit claim negatively. While you would still have a legal claim, it won’t be completely authentic and the amount you can claim as compensation might be reduced on the account that you were dishonest on purpose and lied about your medical condition.

5. Get a Personal Injury Lawyer in California
If you don’t have an attorney already, you need to get one right away. A lot of people think that they can handle a personal injury lawsuit on their own without an attorney but it is a common mistake. Get an attorney to guide you through the entire process and keep them in the loop regarding the progress of your treatment.

The LA Law Firm is located in Down Town Los Angeles, if you or someone you love has been affected by a car accident, product defect medical negligence or even a fall, call (866)383-1462 and schedule your free consultation.

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